“Rumi & Friends” Spiritual Poetry Evening
Monday, February 4
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Café Blackbird (9640 142 Street)

Come listen to the poetry of Rumi. As well, there will be an open mic for others to share their spiritual poetry.
WHY: This evening was planned to bring people together in celebration of World Interfaith Harmony Week. WIHW was unanimously adopted by the United Nations on October 20, 2010
SPONSOR: Edmonton Interfaith Centre for Education and Action is a proud supporter of this initiative. It is one of many events to be held in regional Edmonton during the week, created to engage with and foster opportunities for Interfaith Dialogue and Understanding.
WHO: Guest readers (contact Len at lgierach@telus.net by Feb. 1 if interested )
And, an Open Mic – sign up at the door
COST: FREE ADMISSION ( with purchase of food and/or beverage )